Infosec Sidekick
Infosec Sidekick
Beyond Reactive Defense - The Art of Threat Hunting w/ Shahar Vaknin

Beyond Reactive Defense - The Art of Threat Hunting w/ Shahar Vaknin

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About This Episode

On today's episode of the Infosec Sidekick Podcast, I am thrilled to bring you an exclusive interview with Shahar Vaknin, the Threat Hunting Team Lead at Hunters’ Team Axon.

Join us as we take you on an exhilarating journey into the world of threat hunting. We'll explore the fundamentals of threat hunting, uncovering its true power and impact on modern cybersecurity strategies.

Throughout our conversation, Shahar tells us about his personal background and career, revealing the key experiences and milestones that have shaped him into the leader he is today. His deep understanding of the evolving threat landscape will keep you on the edge of your seat as we dive into the dark corners of cyber threats and the strategies employed by hunters like Shahar to neutralize them.

Not only that, but we'll also gain invaluable insights into the art of leading a threat hunting team. Shahar shares his wisdom on the essential skills and qualities necessary to guide a team of cyber warriors in the relentless pursuit of cyber threats. You'll discover strategies for building a successful threat hunting team and fostering a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing.

This episode is a must-listen for both aspiring and seasoned cybersecurity professionals, as well as anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the vital role threat hunting plays in safeguarding our digital world.

So, grab your headphones, buckle up, and get ready to embark on this thrilling cybersecurity adventure with Shahar Vaknin, right here on the Infosec Sidekick Podcast. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and leave a review to help us spread the word about this episode!

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Infosec Sidekick
Infosec Sidekick
Enter into a world of conversation, learning, and connection building with the Infosec Sidekick Podcast. Each episode will explore topics relevant to all in the industry. Hosted by Travis Romero, a 10+ year security operations professional, you can be sure to know that this isn't just fluff. Subscribe and enjoy!