Infosec Sidekick
Infosec Sidekick
Empowering Developers as Security Advocates - The Role of Security Champions in DevSecOps w/ Doyle Turner

Empowering Developers as Security Advocates - The Role of Security Champions in DevSecOps w/ Doyle Turner

A Security Champions Program is one key to running a secure development pipeline.

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Episode Details

First, we get to know Doyle, his background, and his current endeavors, setting the stage for the expertise he brings to the conversation. We then demystify the concepts of DevOps and SDLC (Secure Development Lifecycle), clarifying their significance in the context of fostering secure software development.

We explore the profound implications of software vulnerabilities and development mistakes as potential gateways for cyber attacks. Doyle sheds light on how Security Champions Programs serve as a proactive approach to identify and address these vulnerabilities, creating a robust defense against potential threats.

Our conversation then dives into practical aspects of starting a Security Champions Program. Doyle shares invaluable tips for getting started, emphasizing the importance of defining clear objectives and setting expectations from the outset. He highlights the value of starting small and gradually expanding the program, ensuring sustainable growth and impact.

Continuous training emerges as a crucial element for success, and Doyle offers insights on how to provide ongoing education and development opportunities for security champions. Additionally, he discusses strategies for recognizing and incentivizing these champions, fostering a culture of security awareness and excellence within the organization.

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Infosec Sidekick
Infosec Sidekick
Enter into a world of conversation, learning, and connection building with the Infosec Sidekick Podcast. Each episode will explore topics relevant to all in the industry. Hosted by Travis Romero, a 10+ year security operations professional, you can be sure to know that this isn't just fluff. Subscribe and enjoy!